Duurzame onderwijscompetenties gepubliceerd
Duurzame PABO participeerde afgelopen zes jaar in Erasmus+. Dit prijswinnende project richt zich op Leerkrachtcompetenties voor Duurzame Ontwikkeling. Het gedachtengoed is recent gepubliceerd in de uitgave Competences in Education for Sustainable Development. Critical Perspectives.
Het hoofdstuk The Rise of Competence-Based Learning in the Netherlands and Its Impact on the Implementation of ESD at Marnix Academie werd geschreven door Gerben de Vries, André de Hamer, Carlien Nijdam (namens Duurzame PABO) en Stella van der Wal-Maris (Marnix Academie). In dit hoofdstuk belichten zij hoe de implementatie van Education for Sustainable Development in de Marnix Academie – een lerarenopleiding basisonderwijs – in de periode 2000-2019 zijn beslag kreeg.
In samenvatting:
In this chapter we focus on the rise of Competence-Based Learning (CBL) in The Netherlands and its impact on the implementation of education for sustainable development (ESD) in Marnix Academie, Teacher Training Institute for primary education in Utrecht. We conclude that CBL did help with implementing the process, the ‘how’ of ESD. The content, the ‘what’, owned by teachers, is harder to change as it affects the autonomy and competence of teachers. Working with the institute’s culture, using MA’s approach of decision-making and connecting the content of ESD to its mission, proved effective. External influences, such as the Sustainable Development Goals and UNESCO membership also helped to facilitate change. We conclude that implementing ESD successfully is a slow, people-orientated, culture-focussed process that needs a multilevel, whole institution approach. Change agents need to be aware of this.